/ Parents / Parent Resources / Reopening Plan - September 2020 / Bay Shore Reopening Plan / Bilingual Education and World Languages / ELL Identification Process
ELL Identification Process

Bay Shore completed student/parent interviews and Home Language Questionnaires (HLQs) virtually for those incoming K students who completed the registration process prior to the COVID-19 closure. This documentation will allow for NYSITELL administration to be completed upon the beginning of in-person or hybrid instruction. Those students who would have registered during school closures (K-12) will be required to complete the ELL identification process within 30 school days of the start of the school year.  According to ,  after this 20 day flexibility period, identification of ELLs will resume for all students within the required 10 school days of initial enrollment, as specified by Commissioner’s Regulations Part-154. Once identified and assessed, students will be placed in programs to accommodate their level of  proficiency, as outlined within CR-154’s Units of Study. 

Instructional programs for all other ELLs will be offered based on students’ levels of English proficiency most recently measured from either the 2019 NYSESLAT or NYSITELL scores received prior to school closing. Applicable units of study will be provided to all ELLs during in-person or hybrid instruction. The Multilingual Literacy Screener (MLS)  will be used for students who present evidence of a limited or interrupted formal education. Students identified as Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) will be placed appropriately according to the same Units of Study guidance. Students whose home language is Spanish will be offered the opportunity to attend either Bay Shore’s Dual Language or transitional bilingual classes. 

Teachers will design lesson plans that consist of synchronous and asynchronous activities. In addition, teachers will maximize student engagement and participation by designing lessons that utilize technology tools/platforms that allow for two-way communication between students and teachers. In order to effectively monitor students, teachers will contact parents regarding student progress, behavior, and academic progress, wherein translation services will be provided, if necessary.  Furthermore, teachers will hold office hours/extra-help to provide students with additional support for previously taught content and/or assignments.