/ Physical Education & Health / Physical Education / Bay Shore Middle School / Curriculum / 8th Grade Curriculum – Choices/ Wellness Center / Wellness Center Course
Wellness Center Course



The students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate proper and appropriate operation of cardio respiratory equipment (treadmill, elliptical trainer, stationary bike, virtual reality bike, rowing machine, step master and stair master)
  • Properly use Polar Heart Rate Monitors (PHRM) while exercising in class


The students will be able to:

  • Monitor the intensity of their workouts through use of a PHRM
  • Identify several reasons for the increase in childhood obesity
  • Design/create their own individual exercise program
  • Understand how a heart attack occurs
  • Identify the seven risk factors for cardio vascular disease
  • Mathematically calculate a target heart rate zone for themselves
  • Understand how blood flows throughout the heart and how exercise will positively impact the heart
  • Understand the negative effects of smoking on the body
  • Understand the F.I.T.T. principle (Frequency, Intensity, Time and Types) and apply it when designing their own personal workout (wellness plan)
  • Identify the five components of Wellness and how the components affect their life.
  • Understand negative effects of obesity on one’s health and societal factors that influence obesity.
  • The short and long-term benefits of fitness (looking and feeling better, being able to do more, having better health and a longer life, avoiding major deceases, having a better quality of life).


The students will be able to:

  • Communicate with peers in a positive and productive manner
  • Implement proper and appropriate health club etiquette

Proper care of equipment and communication with staff regarding problems with equipment